Cosplayer, Prop maker, hobbist, Occasional Author

Archive for September, 2022

Conversion built master of ordinance

okay so while I have mentioned about this build in other posts here it is!

here is the video I have done on the project if you would rather look at photos instead keep scrolling as they will be below the video on this post:

build pics:

base model built:

holo table detail built. it id made from a superglue lid, an internal piece from a either a watergun or a dispenser cut down and lots of bicarb and superglue. inside the base of the holo table is clear plastic to allow the model to tower details to stick to it

everything primmed:

holo projection base coated

base coats all laid in and details added

decals added

the sources with the decals were mostly the cadian infantry squad kit but the black aquila came from the sentinel kit. I figured better a black aquila than a damaged one.

anyway I hope you like the build

a change of plans on youtube content sept to nov

okay so as i may have said already i am once again going to be moving house (the current place was always a temporary place) so that does hinder my long term planning some what but well with the knowledge of my imminent move also does come a slight opportunity to adjust and plan. also life has been kicking my but and causing me to struggle to find energy to make things but ah well these things happen. okay so here is what i am thinking for content

september week 5:

oaky so the painting is done this model but I haven’t gotten a good picture of it yet hence why I am using this image of it with primer on it

  • tf legacy override review (postponed due to recording errors
  • republic commando livestream

october week 1:
okay so in October I am intending to have atleast one warhammer related video go up per week for the rest of the year not counting reaction videos and webstore browsing review videos

  • genshin impact pot plant sized pyro, cryo and electro regisvine build (postponed till after pax aus and possibly till after house move)

so I am working on these around everything else and partly because of how long foam clay takes to dry these have to take a back seat

  • PAX AUS cosplay showcase

october week 2:

  • I built a wargaming terrain while homeless here is what I worked on
    yep why not have a semi earned flex video!
  • Astra Militarium sentinel (mid 2000s to 2022 kit) review
    with painted model. So since this kit is likely getting axed in favor of the new one (I hope the new ones are distributed like either the penitent engines or paragon war suits are given how many you need in a guard army)
  • mcfarlane toys sister of battle bloody rose ver review
  • cosplay build video?

october week 3:
okay so this week is an up in the air week because i have to be out of my current place mid way though the month and that falls on this week. more videos may be confirmed later on

  • how I scratch built a stormblade plasma blast gun shorts video
  • Cadian heavy weapons team review
    okay so I had planned on doing this video much earlier but life got in the way sadly but it’s going to happen this time
  • the two paths of conversion building for warhammer!
    okay so this video has been in the back of my brain for a while now and i figure why not do it now
  • cosplay build video

october week 4:

  • white dwarf retrospective
  • tf legacy armada starscream review
    so I have put this in the last week of october as I won’t likely be able to pick it up from the store till after i have moved
  • cosplay build video

I had to drop the plan of doing the plague doctor because while removing it from a paint handle i broke a major detail on it and that will require conversion to fix after i move house

okay so november is going to be the month where i show off my completed imperial knights, that being said with guard likely coming out in december with an army box likely happening in november i will have a bit to share on that army and by then I might actually have a more permanent place to live. I also am going to be working on some stuff towards december both because that month is my birthday month and as scratch building and terrain builds take time. meanwhile I will finish my paint jobs on my knights even if i have to paint them up at a hobby store though I need to replace two transfer sheets before that happens and better refine the iconography of my custom knight house

  • knight gallant showcase
  • knight crusader showcase/review
  • restoring my first imperial knight
  • knight related unboxing video maybe (I say maybe as money will be a deciding factor and I do not know how much i will have in november
  • imperial knight rearming tower terrain scratch build
  • imperial guard cosplay video (undecided yet as to what this will be but maybe a part of a commissar yarrick build
  • Anniversary of anarchy = chaos cultist clampack is 10 years old retrospective
    so anyone who knows me knows i love the classic chaos cultist kit but not for heretical purposes, rather I turn them into loyalist stuff such as ministorum, crusaders, arco flagrants and more, well this video will be about that and share my building

    will be guard focused to a degree though so too will January

Anyway I will share more on my plans as they become a reality or fall through, hopefully things can be a bit more stable in future as I also am waiting on a housing co-op being ready to move in but they have had delays. if I can get in with them then I should be able to be a lot more creative as one of my basic human needs will be met but that is a tale for another time. sorry for all these wishing posts maybe soon I will actually do a wishing post

hobby projects end of September

Okay so this month has been kind of a mess for me partly due to mental health and partly due to trying to get stuff together for an event that at the last minute I found out I couldn’t attend and also heard bad things about from people who went. but this month has seen my get some stuff done and here are projects I am. sorry about the brightness in some of these images, i have attempted to tone down the brightness with an image editor but these were taken at night with flash mode on my phone so they aren’t great

On a miniatures front I mainly have had two pathlines with working on models = purely for me vs partly for youtube content.

okay so starting with the model i am purely doing for me:

the above pic is the model just primed and based black

base coat of the holo projection painted on, the badly lit work space makes this look like the plastic is green but actually that is just dark angels green gw paint. since this pic I have started adding in the lighter coloured grid pattern though I might go over that with a micron pen to further knock in the grid pattern. i have also painted on the base colours of my hektarian regiment’s uniform including painting his helmet over his butt gold. i will need to go back and further work on the skin and fine details but other than that here is how it is coming along. the money i would have spent on con tickets for an event that i sadly wasn’t able to attend instead went into this model which the base model of a nexos took weeks to arrive at my preferred Friendly local game store (flgs)


models for youtube content:
Ursula Chenkova, Svargan Colonel
okay so the first one shouldn’t be too big of a surprise since I have talked about it but for those who don’t know i am in the process of working on Ursula Chenkova, Svargan Colonel by victoria miniatures that I got free at random when i ordered a squads 2 pack off their ebay (i probably should have messaged them to say a model i actually wanted included but ah well mistakes happen) and on the subject of mistakes while cleaning it I lost one of the arm halves and so instead of just building and painting the model it has become a conversion building project. instead of being a mini review this instead is going to be a mini rescue video though my laptop isn’t all that powerful so I am not sure if the footage i have recorded of the build will be all that useful to me over just saying what i am doing

model 2: toxic wastes guardsman

so for a long time I have talked about how the old 2012 chaos cultists kit was really good for converting flavorful imperial models and if I haven’t been all that open about it well there i have said it. anyway I initially built this model up to use as a visual aid for a video on the september 2012 issue of white dwarf which was an issue about the launch of dark vengeance. Sadly between lighting issues and my laptop not being powerful I have had to abandon the original recordings and 20 minute version of that white dwarf retrospective and instead do a shorter under 9 minute version which is more concise. Though the benefit of this is that now that previously unpainted visual aid is now painted and i have retrieved a few others out of storage as I have done many things with cultists over the years including street militia, uniformed guardsmen, ministorum crusaders and even tech priests

Cosplay projects:
Erza Scarlet heart kreuz
okay so my main hobby project this month has been my erza scarlet cosplay which I initially started back in 2019 and got to a wearable if very incomplete state. well with a con coming up I pulled the parts of the armour out of storage and was attempting to rebuild the torso armour so that it actually fits me, sadly I wasn’t done in time for the event and at this rate might come with me to pax aus if i go although i already have three costumes planned for that event though with the exception of my sister of battle cosplay it is the closest to being worn. sadly as I write this the costume is too incomplete to show off and with my models taking up the same table as my sewing machine progress on the costume is on hold though that is also because I needed to buy some more zippers for the costume so as to make getting in and out of the costume easy but also to better work out the shape and fit of it as i go so i am not hacking into detail work to make the armour comfortable.

with pax aus coming up though I should have more cosplay projects in the works and with the genshin impact second anniversary coming up like next week I also have some stuff in the works for it too (as usually I am doing that for free as I am too small of a presence online for anyone to pay me to make stuff for them, who knows if that will change.

in closing here are my amended plans for youtube:
– tf legacy cybertron override review
– custom AM master of ordinance showcase
– white dwarf 393 retrospective
– rescuing an incomplete ice warriors guard commander
– skyrim imperial legion sword and shield build

– updating an old hydra/wyvern conversion build
– genshin impact inspired model build
– genshin impact inspired cosplay prop build
– erza scarlet cosplay build video
– I started building a wh40k battlefield while homeless here is how far I got/ budget industrial terrain tiles for 40k/sw legion/
– sister of battle cosplay (2019 – 22 ver) build log 1: the main armour
– pax aus cosplay coverage
– cannoness varydian review
– mcfarlane toys sister of battle order of the bloody rose version review

– sister of battle cosplay (2019 -22 ver) build log 2: adding light

youtube content september/october 2022 plans (updated)

hi folks yep it’s another one of these posts that not a lot of you read where i share my current plans for youtube content for the next two months. this doesn’t include videos that are done as a reaction to some future issue or revelation for warhammer/hh or more. anyway i hope i can make all these plans happen and get stuff done for pax aus. i kind of wish i was a multi person operation but ah well at worse it may be only one of each option from below per week, i am currently waiting back to know if some bad news i recieved is mild bad news or really bad news and that make hurt all of these plans but ah well why not share what my goals are in the off chance someone chooses to read them


  • tf legacy knockout unboxing and review

okay so this video is actually now live, i had intended to get it out in august but well things have been a struggle and i lost track of the days and suddenly it was september. So it is now live:

  • tf knockout shorts video (sunday)
    so i recorded a funny bit as part of the main video and like many other folks looking at transformers I will has the shorts video of just that part

so here the plans for the next few weeks:

september week 2 (5th to 11th september):

  • nova open reveals discussion video
    it will be a live streamed video where I have mechanicus running and talk about the event’s reveals while playing.
  • cosplay build video (?)
    sister of battle cosplay build video 1 (postponed till leg armour is done)

september week 3 (12th to 18th:
so this week is the week leading into crunchyroll expo which means my main focus is on the event rather than on creating stuff, at the same time it also means i will have a video coming up on the costume i wore to the event and a video on the event it’s self

white dwarf 393 retrospective (postponed a week
okay so i had a tech issue with this video that meant it came out as much lower resolution than i recorded it in, that was in part due to the lighting so i have opted to move it to next week

so basically I nearly got scammed on tickets for crx and spent the week working on a costume for the event only for me to get a really bad feeling off the seller when it came time to pay them, they gave me serious scammer vibes not wanting to do payment for goods and services when selling an item to me. so yeah only for me to learn on the day that it may have been better that i missed out on the event but i will touch on that in a future video once i have sought comment from the venue and event runners

september week 4 (19th to 25th sept:
the preparation for pax aus begins (though i have been planning now it is time for tools to be put to materials and patterns to be worked out) as part of that a cosplay build video will be put up on the channel

  • white dwarf 393 retrospective
    hopefully the recording actually works this time though I will make the video much shorter than it had been originally
  • salvaging an incomplete model by kitbashing – snow regiment commander edition (postponed till week 4
    featuring Ursula Chenkova, Svargan Colonel by victoria minaitures
    so to my embarrassment I lost one of the arms of this model while cleaning it (which means it is probably in a sewage processing plant by now sadly. so i will be salvaging the model using the contents of my bits boxes and some sculpting.
  • tf legacy override review (hopefully i have the time tonight record this)
    okay so I realize I will be late to the party looking at her but ah well better late than never though,
    I had to get my cybertron stuff out of storage so things got delayed
  • cosplay build video
    something genshin related due to the game having an anniversary. note that this is a non-sponsored thing but if they came to me i would be willing to do sponsored stuff too
  • my thoughts on the crunchyroll expo mess
    I am putting this later on because I want to try and pose questions to the venue and event organizers before i do the video

september week 5 (26th sept to 2nd oct):

  • melee only mechanicus livestream episode 13 (pushed back to week 5 in favor of a miniature rescue video that got delayed due to con crunch
    yep lets continue on this series.
  • conversion built model showcase
    I will share on what sooner and well you may even see an updating/live post about it on here I have already shared what projects i am working on so it shouldn’t be too big of a surprise
  • cadian heavy weapons team review
    so this has been sidelined for a bit too long and I do want to get through the current cadian stuff before we get to close to new cadian stuff coming out
  • es5 skyrim Imperial legion sword and shield build video (sat 1st october)
    okay so I cannot guarantee i will bring a legionary costume to pax but i will damn well try especially with skyrim’s 11th anniversary happening in November

october week 1:
october may well be an interesting month for the channel as I can’t stay in my place past the midpoint of the month so if i can get stuff done early i will and set it to be scheduled to go up during the month

  • melee only mechanicus livestream ep 15
    yep lets draw the series towards character side character story missions
  • cannoness Veridyan review
    so this model has been sitting in my collection unloved for far too long so I am changing that.
  • wargames exclusive inquisitor redemptor review
    okay so the paint on this model is half way there but I keep holding off on doing a video on this model because i want to have terrain to show it on.
  • cosplay build video

October week 2

  • 6 years of youtube retrospective
    i will be showing my painting a miniature or two as I talk about having my channel be a thing for 6 years
  • Limited Edition cannoness/combat patrol cannoness review and design breakdown
    okay so this video will be both a model review and a closer breakdown of the design from the perspective of a cosplayer
  • my thoughts on the horus heresy plastic range
    so I am leaving this video till october so that there is more time for horus heresy to get more releases
  • cosplay build video
    Sister of battle cosplay build video 1

October week 3

  • chapel ruins wargaming terrain tutorial
    so this build is actually going to have the total of two chapel/church ruins one of which is elden ring inspired the other of which will be more generic
  • miniature review video (undecided)
    I will update this document later with what that video is so stay tuned
  • my pax aus experience
    okay so at the time of posting I do not know how many days of pax aus I will be attending so that will effect how long the video is and what it covers. I will be showing off my costumes for the day or days I go as part of the video and I may also do a con haul segment as part of at the end of video too not that i will have much money to spend though.
  • cosplay build video
    I will share more on this later

October week 4
beginners guide week

  • turning royal wardens into necron immortals conversion build
    might as well slot this build in for this week
  • beginners guide to building wargaming terrain from trash
  • turning primaris lieutenants into blade guard veteran squad
    because i will do both builds not quite at once but in short order of each other
  • how to get into warhammer 40k on a budget in 2022
    (if the rumors of there being a new edition in 2023 are true then this video will be rather dated rather fast and anyone who buys in only for their rulebook to be rendered an expensive paperweight might get angry at me but they will have my sympathy as i know how that feels *cough imperial agents codex cough* *cough sisters of battle codex cough*
  • cosplay build video

as for november I will leave that blank for now since i do not know what i am doing in november yet, hopefully a whole lot of cool stuff but well things are still on edge for me at the moment.
anyway thanks for reading this far

videos with undecided upload dates:

  • tf legacy armada starscream review and my thoughts on tf armada
  • that time i skipped a warhammer edition and why i am doing it again