Cosplayer, Prop maker, hobbist, Occasional Author

Archive for December, 2020

farewell 2020! end of year projects

so as the year ends I figured I’d share a terrain project that is currently on my work table and two (slightly out of focus) models with it that are almost finished and who’s videos will be happening very soon.

the priest you have seen before but the exorcist has been a work in progress since Feb (when I opened it but left off priming it till like august, in part the kit terrified me, it’s was so expensive and I didn’t want to stuff it up) and the painting is not too far off being complete despite how this potato cam style shot conveys it (need to put the camera back on macro mode before photographing more minis) for those who don’t recognize it I did post an unpainted pic of the priest

but soon it will be done and I will be posting a video review showcasing the model and my conversion to it.

As for the terrain model in the background that model IS a groundwork proof of concept model for a modular gothic centerpiece terrain project I aim to do at some point in 2021 as I really want to have to play on but also to showcase miniatures, as minis only look so good on their own but look amazing with terrain. I also want to be able to lend some terrain to friends for RPG games and I want something that works well as the bases for gothic 40k terrain and as terrain for a fantasy game (such as frostgrave or even aos) I am actually recording part of the process of building that terrain piece for you tube video where I discuss my terrain plans for 2021 and maybe beyond. I figure why not just make terrain while talking about what I want to build going forward. for those that didn’t read some of the last posts the gist of it is that I am planning on taking my channel in a more budget friendly tutorials direction and a big part of that is going to be showing how to make decent looking terrain on the cheap frequently using stuff from packaging or supermarket products. anyway more on that later

thanks for reading

2021 initial youtube video plans

yes i know it is unlike people come here to me to discuss my youtube videos but well i am going to keep making posts like this and I actually do welcome input on them (even though no one seems to comment and I don’t run a discord)

so first off I do plan to post all of my unboxing videos that i have previously mentioned. some of my best painting work is going into those models and I want to share it i also have gigabytes of footage i don’t want to just throw away and that is taking up hard drive space awaiting my getting to finishing the subjects it covers so I can cut it all together and post it. as a refresh the unboxing and showcase videos that are in progress are
sister of battle: hospitaler, cannoness, arco flagrants, serephim, exorcist, repentia and limited ed set repentia. just to name a few and I have mentioned them in more detail in other posts so I will not share too much more on that here.

so the plan really with the channel is to take it in a more budget friendly direction both for my own sanity as i antagonize over any money spent on warhammer due to how poor I actually am irl and for that benefit of fellow hobbyists who might be starting out and wanting to start collecting either of the main factions I collect: sisters of battle and guard (also abit on marines and admech)
so my initial thoughts there with regard to videos is:
– getting into 40k on a budget what do you ACTUALLY NEED
– a discussion on model painting handles
– saving money on the hobby through conversion building
– saving money on the hobby a discussion on scratch building for wargaming
– how to start a sister of battle army on a budget pt: 1 offical kits discussion
– how to start collecting sisters of battle on a budget pt: 2 conversion building
– how to start collecting sisters of battle on a budget pt: 3 3rd party model options, the good, the odd and the traps to be wary of
– sister of battle rhino conversion tutorial
– arco flagrants from spare parts and cheap cultists box
– budget sisters: budget alternatives to an exorcist
– conversion building a preacher/missionary on a budget (something separate to my victoria miniatures priest unboxing but that will be shown and mentioned in the sisters on a budget part 3 video
– imagifier conversion build (using base sisters kit and a reaper miniatures icon or something made from scratch
– “improving” the sisters of faith models conversion tutorial which will involve a lot of beginner level sculpting and weapon scratch building tutorials along with suggesting options for sourcing parts you might need that i am not good at sculpting
– junith eritia conversion build video
– procession of the martyred (alternative take on the trumpherant of Catherine

and that was just the sisters of battle plans most of which i have the stuff to do

guard plans:
– collecting the guard: on a budget priority purchases
– collecting the guard: commanders for your force
– collecting the guard: mass infantry squads on the cheap
– collecting the guard: saving money on heavy weapons squads
– collecting the guard: vehicles, walkers and big guns discussion
– special weapons team conversion tutorial
– command squad conversion build
– collecting the guard: the money trap of third party parts
– collecting the guard: 3rd party options discussion

I also am going to be focusing on terrain including doing videos on making terrain with supermarket products and things from opshops. some of my video ideas i am starting with are:
– industrial terrain tiles made from supermarket products
– triangle chocolate packaging to industrial packing crate terrain tutorial
needing to check what the rules regarding showing that product are as i don’t really want to get copyright striked although what i am doing is constructive
– industrial towers, gantries and catwalks using supermarket products tutorial
– cardboard ruined city terrain tutorial
just to name a few

but before I do most of those i am going to be doing a video in which i might actually appear in front of the camera discussing my opinions on the hobby as someone who has been in the hobby for ten years

the ad mech horsemen are just the start! discussing 2021 plans

so upon looking back at my plans for my ad mech army I came to realize some things:
– I am gonna have to do it on a slim budget
– I want most of the army to be converted with the bigger models being heavily converted but done in ways that save me money
– everything needs to be WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) in terms of loadout
– no recast parts but third party is fine
– I have no access to a 3d printers

okay so my plan for 2021 is that once I have got through my sister of battle backlog, done most of the guard projects I have the parts for and got my knight force up to strength (more on them in their own post early next year I am holding off till I have stuff painted to share more on it as it is quite the project) is to do all of the above mentioned things. not yet sure how i aim to do admech skitarii as converted beyond their wasteland bases but some of the conversions i have planned are:
– second feminine magos dominus conversion build which i will record and share the process on

– kitbash built kataprons building them to look like skitarii on motorized mounts with the appropriate gun but also the weapons set up to look kinda like excavation equipment. i think i have found the 3rd party tracks for the job
– skitarii rangers made to look more like stealthy troops
– servitors built from skitarii
– conversion built flyers using the miniatures scenery flyer
– skitarii horsemen conversion build tutorial (and i will show in a video how i painted the units)
take some major cue from Miscast on youtube and do an admech diaries series
– kitbash built vehicles and walkers (more on that later as i get to being able to do it
– conversion built imperial knights using the offical torso but from there a lot of scratch building and conversion building will occur including changing around leg styles to make them say look more chucky or even be tank tracks like some art depicts, some will have offical face masks or modifed offical face masks but other will have scratch built faces with lights in them
– conversion built maniplus with the weapon on back harness
– conversion built ordinatus (if we get 9th ed rules for those at some point)
– building a tech priest cosplay (with the likelihood of masks being a thing for a long time why not take it to the next level and go tech priest to games and limitedly for shopping

the plan is going to be to record the process for some builds and outside of tutorials I will do “ad mech diaries” with it, taking cues from miscast’s nurgle diaries on youtube as I really like his work even if i am not a follower of the ruinous powers or ever plan to be. if my webcam is up to recording some of the painting work I would like to capture some of it and show it but I make no promises there. anyway that’s all for now but i will say that the skirarii riders will likely be part of episode one