Cosplayer, Prop maker, hobbist, Occasional Author

Archive for August, 2022

Cannoness on grav pulpit/lectern update

okay so back at the end of 2019 I started on building a grav pulpit Cannoness for my sisters of battle. with none of the plastic range avalible at that point beyond the contents of an expensive box that was out of my price range I started getting to work.

– the core of the pulpit is taken from a piece of a broken toy lightsaber i got back in highschool. Before this model I built a grav pulpit for a ministorum priest (originally one with a mace and relic thing that used to be a named character in the sisters army till 7th ed or 8th ed. that was till I procured a few of the blackstone fortress one during 2020.

so above you can see far I got with the core of the pulpit built with my setting the wire cores up which I intended to cover with greenstuff to look like relic script sheets that double as a stand for it. on the underside of the pulpit there is a cut up swivel mount from a rhino kit (the one designed for predator turrets, razorback twin guns and whirlwind launchers to slot into) to act as a mount for me to mount a twin heavy flamer into. unlike the first pulpit one of the things I set up was dedicated heavy flamers which I kit bashed from what was once a pair of twin linked lascannons which I then converted into a quad lascannon for an abandoned landraider spartan conversion build I wanted to do back in 2014. so basically I took the quad las and chopped it back to just below the end of the lascannons then covered it with plastic card:

as for the Heroine who was going to be surfing atop it I knew back in 2019 that i wanted to conversion built the model from bits in the then yet to release range. the first piece i settled on for the model before anything else was the stained glass window helmet of the organist on the new plastic exorcist which I managed to procure at the start of 2020. After that i knew i wanted to use the round backpack icon from the retributor superior along with her book arm and mace arm. I intended to make a four pronged mace in similar vain to my old cosplay brazier maul:

and then life transpired to cause me to both loose track of the project’s main parts for more than a year after having to pack up and move out of a place in a hurry causing me to loose track of a lot of things. this build would languish in storage for more than a year and a half. But after moving into another place after spending that year and a half couch surfing this project came to be the top of my list of things to work on and so I found and pulled the bits for this out of storage along with a box that included my sisters of battle bits box.

so going through my bits box I conversion built the cannoness for the grav podium. here is the model before it is painted

okay so this is where the model is at for now. I will share more in future as I get more done on this build but before I can get too much more done on the build I will need to test out my greenstuff to see if it has gone lumpy in the two years since I bought it (if it is still good at all) and if it is bad I may have to get a new pack of it but finding it for a reasonable price will be a challenge going off pricing on ebay. Anyway thanks for reading this far I do look forward to sharing more on this and other projects soon.

current conversion build plans going forward

okay so now I am at my new place I am now able to focus to a degree on the mountain of projects I have in the works or have yet to start that i now want to. so here is what is in planning/under way that I will be working on this year

  • building blade guard on a budget kitbash tutorial
    so thanks to warhammer imperium magazine coming out in aus and the extra copy of the wh40k 9th ed recruit ed starter set I picked up partly to bolster my own marine forces and partly with the intent of helping a friend get into the hobby the way others helped me (yeah i like paying things forward) i have plenty of base models for blade guard conversion. I aim to get these out this month (august but with what i am gearing up for i won’t promise anything yet
  • turning royal wardens into necron immortals kitbash tutorial
    so upon getting my first copy of issue one of warhammer imperium I had a realization, between it and extra from the recruit ed starter set i had recently bought that it would be possible to kit bash a collection of these into more ornate immortals though such a build will be relatively easy. so I did procure a number of additional copies of the imperium mag so that I had enough royal wardens to at least build 5 on top of the one that was going to go to a friend of mine. sadly that friend has reconsidered about getting into 40k for now (with how convoluted the current 40k rules seem with all the faqs and changes outside of the physical books and how many books you seem to need to be competitive these days I can’t blame them. my time frame on this is that i want to get the video on this build out the following week to my video on the blade guard kit bash build
  • sister of battle matron on pyro lectern:
    okay so back in 2019 I started on this build then left off it due to all that was going on for me. but I have this project sitting on my newly setup hobby table begging if not demanding I finish it so I will. because I am sick of incomplete projects that are just taking up bits box and bits tubs space. rules wise i plan to run it as junith eritia since i feel it is disappointing that gw made the model a character model not a generic hq option for the sisters (marines get their smash captains, all we have is an angle who is easily soloed by a multi melta
  • outrider sentinel build tutorial
    okay so two major issues have happened with this build:
    1: gw announcing they will be releasing a new sentinel in the near future meaning the current kit’s days are quite likely numbered (which is a shame as it was a decent kit and reasonably priced (hopefully the new kit comes out with 2 models per a kit for around the price point as the penitent engines/mortifier duel kit came out at)
    2: my computer going down at the start of july really has hit me for six. all video footage is either lost or locked onto it’s hard drive. now I may be able to get that footage back but i also may not be. which sees me loosing out on not just this project but far too many others (i had a lot of research on that machine for numerous model and cosplay projects

    sadly it seems the only image I had from the build backed up on my wordpress is the below one but I know I have more on instagram so all is not quite lost. but what this realistically means is that I will just finish off building the first one without regard for recording the rest of the process. I do have most if not all the parts I need to build another one (and some of the parts I need for a third that I will build up later as well) though i need to go back over my bits collection and marine collection and potentially sacrifice a space marine biker or two to this project (don’t worry I have a big project in mind for the rider models down the track.
  • Plastic Commissar Yarrick conversion build
    okay so originally i was planning on building a carapace armoured commissar (lord commissars have a 4 plus save indicating they have carapace armour) but then I saw that the resin model of the old man of armageddon has been unceremoniously pulled from sale (which does bode ill for the 9th ed guard codex looking at what happened with the chaos space marine codex recently pulling every chaos character loadout that wasn’t part of a clam pack plastic character). so I am going to build my own. I may later use models from wargames atlantic or some other third part to set up steel legion to go with him so i can run some steel legion down the track but that is a ways off
  • modular Valkyrie/vendetta conversion build:
    okay so unlike every other project on this list so far this build is functionally complete! but both I haven’t gotten far at all in the painting (keep struggling to decide how I want to paint it) basically once I have finished the painting on this build I will put it up as a video and I do have an article with the pics for the build backed up in it (so I haven’t lost them) the intent being for the article to go up along side a video on making the Valkyrie modular which in it’s self would be a video i would have put out shortly after the unboxing and review of the Valkyrie but sadly i have lost the unboxing footage ah well I can still do it as a review
  • building a plastic master of ordinance:
    okay so I have instructed a flgs I go through to order in a genestealer cult nexos so i can use his mobile holo table for the build and I be using spare bits from the company commander kit that i have aside. honestly i do hope the 9th ed guard codex has rules for this model in it as that really will be the make or break on if I care to give gw money for the book instead of just finding people who play older rules set and having a game with them instead
  • valdor conversion build:
    okay so i have basically all the parts for this build but need to get myself some tools to better cut up the tracks from two leman russ tanks (I have a spare set of tracks) and get to building it. this would make the second time i have build a valdor though last time it was a full scratch build
  • modular storm blade cannon scratch built tutorial
    so recently the storm blade has seen a resurgence in it’s popularity (i can understand why it is a good tank) so I figure i should probably slot in doing a better version of the main plasma blast gun i made to allow me to run a shadowsword as one back in 7th ed (back then guard super heavy rules weren’t in their codex and instead locked away in multiple expensive expansion books or behind a digital only codex that i couldn’t buy let a lone use so i made the plasma blast gun to allow me to run the one super heavy tank that had pdf rules for it) but the turret for saint Ian hasn’t aged well due to how badly i painted it and the shadowsword it slotted into so i really should try stripping the paint off that tank at some point and paint it up to the degree that is befitting of such a noble tank
  • modular malcador build:
    so for ages I have wanted to make a malcador that I could run as either a battle tank or annihilator as the mission required. well soon it will be time for me to go for it because why not complete a thunderstrike battery for my guard army. of course such a build requires me to work out how to do the turret and make it modular (sponsons are easy enough but require cutting, the front hull mount is also east and could be done with lego or even just plastic card
  • churchill but 40k conversion
    so ages ago i saw this cool conversion from an instagram user called “kevlar_and_clank” and well I want to do it. now the catch is that I am planning on building it to use the rules for a yet to be announced tank that i have been hearing about for months through leak videos (playtesters apparently leaked about there being a tank called the rogal dorn coming in the new codex which does sound cool.
  • updated using victoria miniatures heads on cadian models video (I did one back in early 8th ed but sadly it got lost in the mess of coppa and my jan 2020 house move) but with my having more heads for my hektarian infantry and my wanting to get them table top ready before the 9th ed book comes out around also trying to get a tonne done on the cosplay side of things with my having two major events and two smaller events between september and early november i have a lot i am trying to work so this video may happen or i may just do the build without recording it
  • building a carnadon I prefer
    okay so I have wanted to do this for a while basicly turning a leman russ into a carnadon with a turret that matches the style of the malcador.
  • turning a spartan assault tank into a lords of war kitbash video
    basically making the spartan able to be either a cerberus or a typhon depending on need but that build is a ways off and might be a birthday post.
  • Knight Gallant showcase
    okay so mainly i will just be showing off the conversions i did to the head and arm of my knight galant that i restored from being a traitor knight to a glorious loyalist knight. though i need to finish it first which also requires me to get a new imperial knight transfer sheet (i lost the one i had bought for the project only to find it under a puddle of dirty paint water after my former housemate moved the table it was one and spilled the jar of water. anyway once that is finished it will be getting a video on it

    anyway that is all for now. I know some of you want me to continue on my budget skitarii horses but I currently have no passion for that build so it is sitting aside till I do or till I find passion for it along with working on my ad mech stuff. it should also be noted that my housing situation isn’t entirely solid as october onwards are still unknown for me so that factors into things for me too. anyway thank you for reading this far. I do have more plans on things i want to do but well we’ll see how i go with all of this first