Cosplayer, Prop maker, hobbist, Occasional Author

Archive for April, 2020

my ministorum army moving forward

so today i am wanting to talk about my plans moving forward for my ministorum forces, particularly my non sisters forces under the ministorum bracket. i am planning on running them as their own force with maybe afew sisters to do things like hold objectives until such a time as fraternis milita are a legitimate thing again

warlord: Arch confessor and demagogue of the emperor Tagalon Vorkus

so instead of actually fielding the junith eritia model i will be fielding my preacher pulpit conversion as an army warlord

  • priests: so once i am in a position to get the base models i will be sourcing more models to make missionaries and preachers with that will fill hq and elites slot requirements along side any named priests i source (i do aim to get jackobus and i do aim to set up a priest to count as arch confessor kynerov and i do want to get hold of the rather horizontally enhanced priest from blackstone fortress
  • the muscle
    so the main strength of a ministorum army is it’s infantry that was formerly limited to a bodyguard unit up until the imperial agents codex in 7th. so while i do plan on still continuing with my arco flagrant conversions in the background i am seriously considering just biting the bullet and buying arcos through an independant stockist who will knock the price down by a segnificant ammount (since i live in aus) though i will still be going ahead with getting more dark elf wyches to turn into deathcult assassins but here is what i am honestly thinking for my ministorum

    – 3 ten model arco flagrant squads (why not sent the penitant hoards at the enemy
    – 18 crusaders the blessed shieldwall will be of great use even if it is just to soak sniper rounds
    – 15 death cult assassins honestly for me deathcult assassins are the weakest of the elite choices for the ministorum
    – Shield Captain Arctoria Von Malcavor (counts as gotfret de montbard)
    – flamer/chainsword zealot from blackstone (or more likely a converted model to count as it as i feel the model is too well armoured for it’s crappy rules
    – as many penitent engines as i can reasonably run!

    so essentially i will pick and choose what parts i need when i go to build a list but i will be taking a hoard aproach to the ministorum forces though it may be a penitent hoard most of the time with crusaders taken as bodyguards for the priests to keep them alive in a sniper filled meta

    so lore wise the sisters who travel with this contingent have a two fold role to protect the priests but also to infiltrate into primative cultures and enlighten them about the emperor. this informs what i will have as part of their force as realisticly they are are support force rather then the bulk of it

    so to actually run ministorum forces i will need to have atleast afew squads of sisters most of the time i aim for them to be pain bolter squads of minimum strength as really their only role is holding objectives not engaging the enemy so at most i will give them maybe a heavy bolter or storm bolter for their unit
    – dialogus
    – imagifier
    – 3 to 5 battle sister squad (each squad is 5 members strong)

    for these squads i am seriously tempted to convert models to be covered in long ponchos and great cloaks to cover their armour. note that i won’t be modifying existing sisters for this detachment

  • retribution detachment: so in contrast to the above forces this detachment would be it’s own detachment that would actually use knights. beyond maybe my paladin i can’t say what this detachment would entail though i am not above scratch building ministorum looking knights just for this detachment. i will reveal more on that later

so anyway this is the plan from this point onward with my ministorum hopefully i can actually make it happen and get in some games with them once things are back to normal after the nurgle plagues have abated and we can all start going out