Cosplayer, Prop maker, hobbist, Occasional Author

Victoria miniatures Sister Preacher Sephima unboxing and progress log

so with the video now going live for the model over on my channel i figured i’d share some shots here of the model in it’s stages and link the video it’s self.

so upon unboxing the model it became apparent to me that i was going to have to do some conversion work on it! i wanted the model’s sword and book represented so i decided to make their sword slightly back mounted. now i could have gone and done greenstuff work but i decided against that and just ended up attaching it as is on there. but before i attached it i removed the hand from the chainsword and replaced it with a styrene rod and a plastic skull so as to add more character too it.

so that is the model before painting. here is the model part way through painting

and here is the model with her face looking abit more complete but still wip (i wasn’t willing to hold off on doing the video any longer and honestly at present don’t have the bruses to do the face right (well that aren’t wrecked

if I end up with more of this model I will do other conversions with it including adding an autogun, making a banner or who knows what else but that is for the future, if I do any other orders through victoria miniatures I’ll probably go for a difference character instead of this one as the free mini so as to try more of their range

anyway thanks for reading this far, my next unboxing video will be either my exorcist or vic minis commissar

here is my progress on that commissar:

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